Tuesday, 29 March 2011

"Avatar 2" Official announcement from James Cameron!!!

James Cameron puts more work into his films than perhaps anyone else working in Hollywood right now. It’s fun to juxtapose what he does with the way another living legend like Woody Allen works. Woody makes a movie every year. He writes up a script, gets some actors, and gets the thing shot. James Cameron has to invent new technologies in order to make a new movie, he has to take quests all around the globe. He doesn’t seem content to just make a new movie anymore, he has to make movies that do things nobody else has ever done.

We already know that he plans on showing off the oceans of Pandora for his sequel to Avatar. And we’ve heard about how he wants to take dive teams to the deepest parts of the ocean in preparation for creating those scenes. Well now it appears that actors in the film are going to have to trek out to the jungle as well. While attending an international forum about sustainability in Brazil, Cameron had this to say, “Avatar is a film about the rain forest and its indigenous people. Before I start to shoot the two films I want to bring my actors here, so I can better tell this story.” This expedition could end up going one of two ways, either the Avatar sequels are going to end up being the most authentic space-jungle movies ever, or Cameron is going to disappear into the bush with his crew never to be seen again, Colonel Kurtz style.

While in Brazil, Cameron took Arnold Schwarzenegger to see the Xingu River, a place that he had traveled to last year to speak out against development. While there Schwarzenegger and Cameron met with members of the indigenous Caiapo tribe, including the wise and powerful Chief Raoni, who baptized Cameron with the name “Krapremp-ti”, which means “man who is friend of the jungle.” There is no word on whether this baptismal will give Cameron any Captain Planet-esque superpowers, but he has vowed to give a character in his next movie the same name. And he added, “If I had met the Caiapos before making Avatar, I would certainly have made a better film.” So there you have it, Avatar 2 will probably make 3 billion dollars.

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