Saturday, 19 March 2011

2010 Hollywood BOX OFFICE RECORD!!!


2010 was really something for the movie industry – for the first time in history box office revenues exceeded $30 billion mark. Compared to 2009, the revenues were 8% up. Meanwhile, the MPAA keeps calling for stricter copyright legislation to fight ever-looming piracy ghost.

The entertainment industry is still insisting that thousands of US jobs are threatened by digital piracy, while creative industry itself is losing billions of dollars. Almost every press release of the Motion Picture Association of America contains concerns over piracy, but at the same time, movie industry box office revenues are booming all over the world, according to the MPAA statement that last year was another record year at the box office: worldwide grosses reached massive $31.8 billion.

Bob Pisano, MPAA President, admitted that 2010 was a strong year at the movies. Regardless the overall situation with digital piracy and changing business models, the industry managed to get another record year at the global box office. The main reason of the increase was the growth outside the United States and Canada. However, digital theft of the creative works online is still believed to have a sustained adverse impact on the industry revenues, since no industry can compete with free.

Actually, it’s not clear if the MPAA boss really believes that a blurred camcorded version of a film would be able to deprive cinema theaters of visitors. In fact, there can’t be millions of people worldwide preferring a low quality version of a film over a theater visit due to the possibility to save a few dollars.

Film piracy is not an actual competition to cinema theater attendances. The suspicions are that it’s not the opportunity to save money, but insane security measures in the theaters that hold visitors back from spending time in the movies. But since the MPAA fails to understand this, it will keep pushing for new anti-piracy laws.

Nevertheless, the investments made towards reducing camcording are hardly worth it, especially night vision goggles for the cinema workers, emotion recognition and audio watermarks. Instead, it seems like anti-piracy groups insist on increasing threat in order to justify their own jobs, since anti-piracy is a huge business too, making millions of dollars thanks to a supposed piracy threat.

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